Default Config
Config = {}
Config.Framework = "auto" -- auto, qbcore | bridge/framework_name to add additional support
Config.SkinScript = "framework" -- framework, illenium, fivem | to add additional support
Config.Locale = "en" -- supported languages inside locales
Config.OpenWhenStarted = true
Config.MaxCharacters = 3 -- max amount of characters somebody can have
Config.EnableDeleteButton = true -- whether players can delete their characters
Config.UseInputForNationality = true -- it is not suggested to use dropdown (false) as it is not styled!
Config.UseRoutingBucket = true -- whether the script handles their instance
Config.UseStrictRoutingBucket = true -- whether you allow the script to handle the entity restrictions
Config.ClearRoutingBucket = true -- whether you want the script to remove the player from the routing bucket
Config.EmptySlotsVisible = true -- whether to display all empty slots or just one at a time
Config.SkipSelection = false -- QB Specific
Config.MinAge = 18 -- minimum age somebody can be
Config.MaxAge = 90 -- maximum age somebody can be
Config.MinNameLength = 3 -- minimum length a name can be
Config.MaxNameLength = 10 -- maximum length a name can be
Config.Profanities = {
-- input your profanity strings here to block bad words in names and nationalities
Config.TebexSlotPurchase = false
Config.TebexPackageId = 0
Config.TebexIdentifierType = "license"
Config.TebexStoreLink = ""
Config.DottedBoxes = false -- whether the outline on the boxes are dotted
Config.Shades = { -- UI Colors, color can be any HTML/CSS format. rgb(), hex, color_name
primary = "#FF2222",
accent = "#FFFFFF",
delete = "#ef4444"
--[[ primary colors
green: #A3E635
blue: #22D3EE
purple: #818CF8
red: #EF4444
Config.PlaceholderPeds = { -- the ghost peds that display on empty slots
model = "mp_m_freemode_01",
comps = {
face = 0,
hair = 15,
brows = 0,
beard = 16,
shirt = { 15, 0 },
jacket = { 16, 1 },
arms = { 0, 0 },
pants = { 0, 8 },
shoes = { 8 , 0 }
model = "mp_f_freemode_01",
comps = {
face = 21,
hair = 15,
brows = 0,
glasses = { 5, 0 },
shirt = { 29, 0 },
jacket = { 31, 4 },
arms = { 0, 0 },
pants = { 44, 0 },
shoes = { 49, 0 }
Config.Animations = {
type = "scenario",
-- {
-- type = "animation",
-- name = "mind_control_b_loop",
-- dict = "rcmbarry"
-- }
Config.Spawns = {
{ -- vespucci
ped_coords = vector4(-1610.73, -1057.86, 13.04, 320.17),
hold_coords = vector3(-1603.62, -1043.54, 13.06),
time = { hour = 2, minute = 0 },
weather = "CLEAR", --
background_ped_coords = {
vector4(-1611.34, -1060.55, 13.02, 342.56),
vector4(-1613.39, -1059.03, 13.04, 311.97)
{ -- mirror park
ped_coords = vector4(1054.58, -720.42, 56.96, 270.06),
hold_coords = vector3(1047.78, -725.31, 56.85),
time = { hour = 5, minute = 0 },
weather = "CLEAR", --
background_ped_coords = {
vector4(1051.08, -723.2, 57.26, 300.52),
vector4(1049.98, -719.71, 57.0, 260.09)
{ -- fountain
ped_coords = vector4(187.82, -678.85, 43.14, 171.73),
hold_coords = vector3(191.01, -680.26, 43.14),
time = { hour = 8, minute = 0 },
weather = "CLEAR", --
-- For more detailed documentation please go here:
This feature allows you to customize the colors utilized by the UI to suit your preferences. It comprises three arguments:
Each of these can be set to a color used in HTML/CSS, without the opacity. Ensure all variables are strings.
Config.Shades = {
primary = "rgb(200, 0, 0)", -- a red UI
accent = "rgb(0, 0, 200)", -- with a nice blue accent
delete = "rgb(0, 200, 0)" -- lets make the delete button green!
Config.Shades = {
primary = "red", -- a red UI
accent = "blue", -- with a nice blue accent
delete = "green" -- lets make the delete button green!
Config.Shades = {
primary = "#ff0000", -- a red UI
accent = "#0000ff", -- with a nice blue accent
delete = "#00ff00" -- lets make the delete button green!
Placeholder Peds
You can incorporate ghost peds with your customized outfits to display instead of a standard model. Simply add a new table into the Config.PlaceholderPeds table, containing the model and components as defined below.
Base table
Components / comps table
If the type is table, it's a numerical table where the first value represents the component index and the second value represents a color index.
model = "mp_m_freemode_01",
comps = {
face = 15,
hair = 10,
brows = 2,
beard = 5,
glasses = { 3, 0 },
shirt = { 20, 0 },
jacket = { 25, 0 },
arms = { 5, 0 },
pants = { 30, 0 },
shoes = { 40, 0 }
Nice Primary Colors to Use
Last updated